Blog Post 305

Christopher Trevino
2 min readNov 29, 2020

node.js in its essence, is a single thread process. It does not expose child threads and thread management methods to the developer. Port 80 just fine. Angular Js is an open source framework for the client side of the application whereas Node JS is a cross-platform runtime system and environment for applications written in JavaScript. Angular Js runs on the client browser whereas Node js runs on the server side. One of the key advantages of Node.js is that developers find it easy to scale the applications in horizontal as well as the vertical directions. One of the key advantages of Node.js is that developers find it easy to scale the applications in horizontal as well as the vertical directions. Node.js is blessed to have a large and active community of developers who keep on continuously contributing towards its further development and improvement. JSON is simply a way to send information ar least I guess to format information. Agile is just one of the many way to QA a app or program, also ideas get same treatment. Agile is a continuous iteration of development and testing in the software development process whereas Scrum is an Agile process to focus on delivering the business value in the shortest time. Agile methodology delivers the software on a regular basis for feedback while Scrum delivers the software after each sprint. The Three Amigos ensures a common understanding for a story in the team; a session between Product Owner (Business), Developer, Tester. The goal of timeboxing is to define and limit the amount of time dedicated to an activity. Scrum uses timeboxing for all of the Scrum events and as a tool for concretely defining open-ended or ambiguous tasks.

